Few days without mobile phone were not easy. Getting a new phone is not easy too. Syukur la i still have the old phone with me. I had Sony Ericson before iphone .. it's still there, but couldn't find the battery .. so had to dig more into old stuff and found my old Nokia. The one yang pernah tertinggal kat Sabah and I pernah tulis about it HERE
am using it now.
very down to earth.
Sib baik ada yg lelama.. KM dulu .. sumer ilang terus tak pun rosak terus .. tak leh simpan2 dah. Kali ni hajat ati nak tukau pun tak kesampaian lagi. Ada plak other priority yg memerlukan duit tu lebih dpd tukau handphone. Hmm takde rezeki laa. next time laa kot. Anyway .. welcom to the world back. hahahaha