few things to note down ~
~ on health and morning sickness :: thank God am getting better and the 1st trimester sickness is slowly going away
~ on weekend :: Had a great weekend, of course with a great health .. the whole saturday we were out to shopping areas. started with the warehouse sale in Shah Alam which i found not really interesting. I ended with a plastic bag with only kids wear in it. The rest just didnt catch my eyes. When we left the place around 12 noon, more crowds are coming in. good tht we finished so thr's no need to bersesak2 dlm tuh.
MIL wanted to look at curtains so i thought maybe its good to go to Jln. TAR .. its Saturday by the way. Sure ramai but well .. when there's a will, there's a way! hahaha boleh gitu?? Alang2 sihat and ada mood, teruskan ajelah kan ..
We had our lunch at Jln. Bellamy for the famous Ikan bakar in town. It was great lunch coz both MIL and FIL like the food so much! esp. ikan terubok .. same taste as mine but not hubby tho.
Made a move to jln TAR rite after zohor. mmg baguih timing coz masa makan tuh, azan bekumandang and depan tuh mmg surau so takyah susah2 carik surau tmpt lain.
As expected, mmg ramai kat Jln TAR. but we managed to park our car in semua house. Tak daya nk carik parking kat selit2 building tuh. And since its saturday, crowd were more coz will be nite market too. hmmm .. we walked to jackel .. carik2 langsir bagai .. aku geram nak membeli but lom ukur lagik tingkap2 pintu2 kat umah so lupakan niat dulu ... kuar jek frm jackel, idlan muntah, habes baju kena muntah. I had to run to myden coz itwas the nearest .. rembat sepasang baju rm11 and salinkan idlan kat tepi jalan .. huhuhu! well .. i guess ppl were too bz doing what they were doing to notice wht we did ...
pastuh, terus jek la jalan2 sampai ke sogo .. but just went to handbag area, carik2 but takdek plak yg berkenan so just kuar balik ... we left around 430 rasanya .. time tuh mmg dh sangat sesak lah .. hmmm ..
reached MIL's place arnd 6.30
oh ok thts it on weeknd ..
~ on work :: the whole trade team is now in new office. Packng was done on Friday and yesterday was our 1st day in new ofc. I hv to say, i like it here better than the old place coz its more spacious and litle bit private. i mean if compared to my old cubicle yg jadik laluan utama tuh ... hmm now i dont hv to like looking around before opening to any browser window .. skype pun laju jek .. oopsss ... dasarr!!!!
and i hv to say this too ... after almost a year here ..i finally got the feeling tht i like it here.. my job and my team .. hohoho .. to know is to love?? i mean there are many things tht makes us close to each other .. day by day i've learn how they work,how they jokes and all .. and the more i know them the more i understand and i guess its reducing the barrier between us ...
honestly, am glad.
i never took this long to get to know ppl or for ppl to get to know me .. but with them its different .. maybe its because i am the thorn between roses? well .. actually i am one of very few roses between many thorns ... huhuhu! wht am trying to say is aku dah jadik minority kat situ so itulah aku slow sket .. hohoho alasan kah??? layannnnn! Now, dah ok dah .. dah bulih bertepok tampar, dah berani usik mengusik tak hingat and aku punyer gelak pun dah tak control2 dah .. i guess slowly,am becoming myself ... hmmm wht a self accomplishment! bravo fara bravo! poyo gitu!
okeh, thts about it.
~ On family :: Time flies. Really. Idlan tu, mcm baru semalam je aku lahirkan dia .. and now he is already a year and 5 months. and he is having a bro/sis soon. Hmmm ... Idlan is now 10 kg and like other boys, he likes boys things. Cars and robots and balls. Balls is his most favorite and the only word he can pronouce correctly. Everything that comes in round shape will be ball for him. Once he pinted to coconut and said, "ball" and later picked it up and throw it away .. seb baik kelapa tua so ringan ler ... once we went to toys' r us and he saw a ball and just holding the ball and he didnt care about other toys ... hmmm ..
- his few first words are those with "B" infront.
- he called hubby correctly "bapak" .. and he called me "bak" instead of "mak" ..
- when he said "nak" it means he wants it but when he doesnt want something, he will also say "nak" but with his hand make the no sign. hmmm ...
- manja ngan bapak more thn mak .. well i guess both my kids are like tht. anak bapak. anak-anak hamid huhuhu!
-manja ngan kakak more than ngan mak jugak .. well kesian mak dia nih huhuuh
Adoi terlebih sudah entry ni panjangnyer! i stop here lah dulu later sambung lagi yach!
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Monday, 20 July 2009
..and monday comes again.
Nothing much happened on weekend, just resting at home. Lately or should I say this pregnancy is bit different. Am not really like to go out and actually, i feel bit weak through out the day. Asyik nak melepek jek ... hopefully just for this 1st trimester coz i cant imagine if this happen the whole pregnancy .. haruslah hubby gembira tak terperi .. aku la plak rasa tak best .. coz in my head mmg lot of plan but badan tak daya .. huhuhu ..
Now I tak berani to promise anyone kalau ada yang menjemput to their house for party or kenduri ... Like last week, I felt bad coz we couldnt make it to majlis Akikah Baby Hayl (zatil& Ayoi) .. even tho we have told them we are coming but when the day comes, aku tak larat sangat .. Sorry yer Zatil .. Insya Allah nanti bila2 keadaan mengizinkan aku tgk baby ehh ..
Then Maza invited us to Efan's 4th bday last Saturday .. This time I didnt say yes .. and as expected, mmg the whole saturday i was at home .. plus hubby had to work .. lps dia balik kerja pun aku tak la ajak2 kuar mcm selalu .. huuhuu ..
But Ahad pagi2 semalam, hubby ajak gi pasar stadium Shah Alam .. Aku gagahkan la jugak .. but like after 5 mins walking, i started to feel nausea and dizzy .. plus sakit perut masuk angin bagai .. hadeh! I asked for car's key and took a rest dalam kereta while hubby and the kids proceed with looking around. Padahala aku mcm dh niat nak tgk2 kot2 ada kain langsir utk raya huhuu .. terbantut terus ..
Tak tau la.. this is my 3rd pregnancy, but my first time having morning sickness .. even tak la terok but still menderita la jugak .. maklum ler 2 pregnancies before sihat walafiat sajork ... hmmm dah tua kah?? wakakakka!
sekian dulu update .. alarm dah bunyik tanda dah kul 6am.. nak iron baju and all. Insya Allah kalau tak der aral, today niat nak berpuasa .... semoga dipermudahkanNya ... amin
Nothing much happened on weekend, just resting at home. Lately or should I say this pregnancy is bit different. Am not really like to go out and actually, i feel bit weak through out the day. Asyik nak melepek jek ... hopefully just for this 1st trimester coz i cant imagine if this happen the whole pregnancy .. haruslah hubby gembira tak terperi .. aku la plak rasa tak best .. coz in my head mmg lot of plan but badan tak daya .. huhuhu ..
Now I tak berani to promise anyone kalau ada yang menjemput to their house for party or kenduri ... Like last week, I felt bad coz we couldnt make it to majlis Akikah Baby Hayl (zatil& Ayoi) .. even tho we have told them we are coming but when the day comes, aku tak larat sangat .. Sorry yer Zatil .. Insya Allah nanti bila2 keadaan mengizinkan aku tgk baby ehh ..
Then Maza invited us to Efan's 4th bday last Saturday .. This time I didnt say yes .. and as expected, mmg the whole saturday i was at home .. plus hubby had to work .. lps dia balik kerja pun aku tak la ajak2 kuar mcm selalu .. huuhuu ..
But Ahad pagi2 semalam, hubby ajak gi pasar stadium Shah Alam .. Aku gagahkan la jugak .. but like after 5 mins walking, i started to feel nausea and dizzy .. plus sakit perut masuk angin bagai .. hadeh! I asked for car's key and took a rest dalam kereta while hubby and the kids proceed with looking around. Padahala aku mcm dh niat nak tgk2 kot2 ada kain langsir utk raya huhuu .. terbantut terus ..
Tak tau la.. this is my 3rd pregnancy, but my first time having morning sickness .. even tak la terok but still menderita la jugak .. maklum ler 2 pregnancies before sihat walafiat sajork ... hmmm dah tua kah?? wakakakka!
sekian dulu update .. alarm dah bunyik tanda dah kul 6am.. nak iron baju and all. Insya Allah kalau tak der aral, today niat nak berpuasa .... semoga dipermudahkanNya ... amin
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Jom Beramal and having fun!
u ols!
Geng Taggers Joeperantau dah merancang wat program Sehari bersama anak2 yatim ... aktiviti mcm bergotong royong, berbuka puasa dan aktiviti2 lain sambil menderma ngan anak2 yatim darul Izzah kat Bangi ... buat on 12 sep 2009 dari pagi sampai le ke malam (including terawikh) ...
kalau u ols verminat nak tau, sila la visit
blog member2 aku orang2 yg gigih berusaha tuh (semoga mendapat berkat hasil kebaikan u ols!, amin) ... dah berbulan rasanya dorang plan pasal program nih ... sorry banget aku tak berkesempatan nak join the diskussi ye u ols! so aku pon amik kesempatan nak promot kat blog .. kalau nak join bukak puasa sambil menderma, fees RM70/pax ... hmmm aku tak pernah join dorang discuss camner dorang derived rm70 tu ... (maklum ler opiss kang dah x boleh nak chatting mahupun bloghopping), but knowing them very wel, aku tau sure ada sebab musabab dan sure berpatutan tuh ...
jom u ols!
Geng Taggers Joeperantau dah merancang wat program Sehari bersama anak2 yatim ... aktiviti mcm bergotong royong, berbuka puasa dan aktiviti2 lain sambil menderma ngan anak2 yatim darul Izzah kat Bangi ... buat on 12 sep 2009 dari pagi sampai le ke malam (including terawikh) ...
kalau u ols verminat nak tau, sila la visit
blog member2 aku orang2 yg gigih berusaha tuh (semoga mendapat berkat hasil kebaikan u ols!, amin) ... dah berbulan rasanya dorang plan pasal program nih ... sorry banget aku tak berkesempatan nak join the diskussi ye u ols! so aku pon amik kesempatan nak promot kat blog .. kalau nak join bukak puasa sambil menderma, fees RM70/pax ... hmmm aku tak pernah join dorang discuss camner dorang derived rm70 tu ... (maklum ler opiss kang dah x boleh nak chatting mahupun bloghopping), but knowing them very wel, aku tau sure ada sebab musabab dan sure berpatutan tuh ...
jom u ols!
Monday, 13 July 2009
love 'em so!
we had our kenduri arwah last 2 week at mak's house in bp. Its an annual event that normally takes place couple of months before fasting. Usually in Rejab.
We left klang around 9pm and before reaching Setia Alam tol, suddenly hubby asked me, "dah swith off ekon lom tadi?" I thought he was kidding but i was wrong. hmmmmp he forgot and me also forgot .. had to turn back .. half an hour wasted.
we stopped at R&R Dengkil, to hv our late dinner. we ordered satay kajang like 30 cucuk wahahaha! lama siot tak mkn satay kajang ... but after 20 cucuk everyone dah surrender .. hohoho! so packed and tapau.
I was sleeping almost the whole journey. Woke up at Ayer Hitam Toll then again lena .. lately susahnyer nak bukak mata dalam kereta! cian hubby ... sometimes I heard he sang loudly to kill the bored i guess ... but my eyes too heavy to open .. Lucky he understood .. or was it because with me sleeping, he has license to speed?? oh no!!
The best thing about balik kampung is when u see the halaman rumah. Doesnt matter siang ke, malam ke, pagi ke, petang ke .. the feeling is sooo good. Hmmm ...
It was around 2 am when I saw my halaman rumah. hmm Its either halaman rumah getting smaller, or number of cars getting bigger .. lucky we still got parking space ..else kena parking bawah pokok manggis yg gelap ittew ... huhuhu! From the cars parked, i know who were already in and who were not. Ohoho... we were not the last bus!
Inside, Mak and my sis Shila lom lagi titon .. standard la sure tgh gossip sambil menunggu anak2 semua sampai ... hmm i like that situation ... standard la .. kat depan TV, there was a queue of my anak2 buah dari yg kecik sampai yg besar alam dok bergelimpangan .. its like first come first serve basis .. sapa sampai dulu, dpt le tido kat spot baek punyer huhuhu .. but since aku still undr title pengantin baru, so i still hv the room for me to sleep. but silap le .. anak2 aku pun dah takmo tido bilik okeh! dorang rela bersempit2 depan tv tuh gak wif all the cousins .. so, mmg le aku jadik pengantin baru kan?? berduaan dalam bilik pengantin kami .. oppss .. actually since my bro still not married yet, so I am still the one yg latest kawen .. tuh yg aku still hv the honor to hv the master bedroom :-) but semua tk heran nak tido kat bilik pon! ada 4 bilik sumer jadik tmpt salin baju sajork! hiks!
Kat atas, pun dah fenuh ... family kakak (panggilan utk kakak sulong) mmg confirm baring kat atas depan, pastu family Shila plak pastu family abg Amai ... kat bawah adalah segala anak2 buah plus family abang An bila dia sampai later, ngan adik aku Midy yg masih lom berfamily hohoho!
kat belakang, bibik2 punyer zone ... 3 bibiks ..
Kakak woke up when i came in. When I entered, lepas kasik salam.. my first shout,
"Weh aku bukan bas terakhir kan .. seb bek dpt parking!!!"
mak smiled. Midy aku rs baru nk tido but tak jadik ..when he answered,
"tak, bas dari bndr kinrara lom sampai, tuh bas penumpang ramai .. besok baru sampai, schedule delay.."
adeh! kul 2am kitorang pedulik hapa, bantai gelak tak hingat! then sorang2 bangun .. join the keriuhan pagi ...I slept later at 4 and I dont think kakak ngan mak sleep at all.
I just LOVE those situation very much! i cant describe the great feeling of balikkampung. esp. my kampung. maybe bcoz family member kaki sembang kot ... i know, all of u mut hv the same great feeling about anything .. yeah, its that feeling! :-) ... Ok lah .. lor am not telling bout the rest lah .. it was all fun and fun and fun i cant describe more.
We left klang around 9pm and before reaching Setia Alam tol, suddenly hubby asked me, "dah swith off ekon lom tadi?" I thought he was kidding but i was wrong. hmmmmp he forgot and me also forgot .. had to turn back .. half an hour wasted.
we stopped at R&R Dengkil, to hv our late dinner. we ordered satay kajang like 30 cucuk wahahaha! lama siot tak mkn satay kajang ... but after 20 cucuk everyone dah surrender .. hohoho! so packed and tapau.
I was sleeping almost the whole journey. Woke up at Ayer Hitam Toll then again lena .. lately susahnyer nak bukak mata dalam kereta! cian hubby ... sometimes I heard he sang loudly to kill the bored i guess ... but my eyes too heavy to open .. Lucky he understood .. or was it because with me sleeping, he has license to speed?? oh no!!
The best thing about balik kampung is when u see the halaman rumah. Doesnt matter siang ke, malam ke, pagi ke, petang ke .. the feeling is sooo good. Hmmm ...
It was around 2 am when I saw my halaman rumah. hmm Its either halaman rumah getting smaller, or number of cars getting bigger .. lucky we still got parking space ..else kena parking bawah pokok manggis yg gelap ittew ... huhuhu! From the cars parked, i know who were already in and who were not. Ohoho... we were not the last bus!
Inside, Mak and my sis Shila lom lagi titon .. standard la sure tgh gossip sambil menunggu anak2 semua sampai ... hmm i like that situation ... standard la .. kat depan TV, there was a queue of my anak2 buah dari yg kecik sampai yg besar alam dok bergelimpangan .. its like first come first serve basis .. sapa sampai dulu, dpt le tido kat spot baek punyer huhuhu .. but since aku still undr title pengantin baru, so i still hv the room for me to sleep. but silap le .. anak2 aku pun dah takmo tido bilik okeh! dorang rela bersempit2 depan tv tuh gak wif all the cousins .. so, mmg le aku jadik pengantin baru kan?? berduaan dalam bilik pengantin kami .. oppss .. actually since my bro still not married yet, so I am still the one yg latest kawen .. tuh yg aku still hv the honor to hv the master bedroom :-) but semua tk heran nak tido kat bilik pon! ada 4 bilik sumer jadik tmpt salin baju sajork! hiks!
Kat atas, pun dah fenuh ... family kakak (panggilan utk kakak sulong) mmg confirm baring kat atas depan, pastu family Shila plak pastu family abg Amai ... kat bawah adalah segala anak2 buah plus family abang An bila dia sampai later, ngan adik aku Midy yg masih lom berfamily hohoho!
kat belakang, bibik2 punyer zone ... 3 bibiks ..
Kakak woke up when i came in. When I entered, lepas kasik salam.. my first shout,
"Weh aku bukan bas terakhir kan .. seb bek dpt parking!!!"
mak smiled. Midy aku rs baru nk tido but tak jadik ..when he answered,
"tak, bas dari bndr kinrara lom sampai, tuh bas penumpang ramai .. besok baru sampai, schedule delay.."
adeh! kul 2am kitorang pedulik hapa, bantai gelak tak hingat! then sorang2 bangun .. join the keriuhan pagi ...I slept later at 4 and I dont think kakak ngan mak sleep at all.
I just LOVE those situation very much! i cant describe the great feeling of balikkampung. esp. my kampung. maybe bcoz family member kaki sembang kot ... i know, all of u mut hv the same great feeling about anything .. yeah, its that feeling! :-) ... Ok lah .. lor am not telling bout the rest lah .. it was all fun and fun and fun i cant describe more.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
great time but something is bothering
it's almost 2 am in the early morning and for some reasons my eyes are still wide awake. .. tried few times closing my eyes but i just cant dozed off! Should I stay awake until morning and go to work? hmmmph we'll see. Something is bothering me and hate the fact tht I cant share it here.
anyway.. put tht aside,
we had our regular monthly dinner (we the hot GLC gals!) .. this time we opt for thai food instead of western. It was at thahara restaurant, somewhere in pandan area. dont ask me direction coz i am surely failed to describe. Lucky today I came with Mas, D and Sol or else i wud hv been the last person reached there .. but we started bit late from PNB and Mauze was already waiting .. huhuhu! couldnt believe that ! ekekek!
Tomyam was delicious ... and sotong goreng tepung were in L size so I was definitely puas after taking 2 pieces. Udang pedas was not pedas at all but more to the taste of curry, ayam paprik was just ok ... omelette tasted like omelette :-) and sambal belacan mmg laku coz the only thing yg supply the spice.
The best part is of course when we catch up all the latest happenings, sharing all the juicy gossips and laugh outloud to all funny things ...
We left around 9++. Mas sent me back to my car at asia Jaya. thanks Mas ...
All in all ... We had fun, I had so much fun :-)
anyway.. put tht aside,
we had our regular monthly dinner (we the hot GLC gals!) .. this time we opt for thai food instead of western. It was at thahara restaurant, somewhere in pandan area. dont ask me direction coz i am surely failed to describe. Lucky today I came with Mas, D and Sol or else i wud hv been the last person reached there .. but we started bit late from PNB and Mauze was already waiting .. huhuhu! couldnt believe that ! ekekek!
Tomyam was delicious ... and sotong goreng tepung were in L size so I was definitely puas after taking 2 pieces. Udang pedas was not pedas at all but more to the taste of curry, ayam paprik was just ok ... omelette tasted like omelette :-) and sambal belacan mmg laku coz the only thing yg supply the spice.
The best part is of course when we catch up all the latest happenings, sharing all the juicy gossips and laugh outloud to all funny things ...
We left around 9++. Mas sent me back to my car at asia Jaya. thanks Mas ...
All in all ... We had fun, I had so much fun :-)
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