Tuesday 6 January 2009

malulah ...

in one of my break for coffee time, i had a chance to actually sit and chat with few of my office mates. i was surrounded with a whole bunch of guys from one city in india, hyder*abad. i only know one of them. So i thought this is a good time for sort of ice breaking.

i asked for their names. i know they are from my team but they sit so far from me and i couldn't recalled them by their names. nama memasing sungguh le keindiaan .. and then it was my turn,

"i'm fara"

"yea we know"

oopss ...



  1. napa nak malulah?? :P

  2. Anonymous1:52 pm

    pesal nak malu lak.. dah hang kan kategori peramah

  3. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Ape la nk malu.. fara kn femes.. smue kenal. fara je x leh nak hapal nama lingam2 tu.. hehe

  4. hehehe...glamer ngalahkan inul ler ko ni.


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