Thursday, 29 September 2016

the day i started quacking - my first dUCk

I am not a fashionista.

hahahaha! what a statement to start an entry! confident sangat ok! huhu.. Well that is actually true u know.. I am not one of those who will die for fashion. Most of the time am actually a fashion-outdated type of person. My wardrobe (am not sure if i can call it a wardrobe lol as it only consists of less then 10 baju kurungs for office and wedding attires - maybe it shld be called a drawer instead of wardrobe lol)

but its not the case for tudung or hijab... my tudung are too many (to compare with my baju lah) .. most of them pun i dah let go coz most of the time i put on the same tudung (due to limited number of baju of coz ahahaha...)

nope i dont stick to one name. Anything that catch my eyes, murah or mahal (a bit) i'll buy (my definition of murah and mahal might be different from yours ye). and latest that catches my eyes is of course dUCk. Even though am not a fashionista, am easily influenced by peers. peers pressure gitu.
(of coz i blame Sol yg selalu expose kan dUCk ni hehe.. lalalalala..padahal it looks nice on her maybe not on me but who cares lol)

but on that day it self, I blamed it on Marya ekekeke why she had to have training nearby? hehe Marya's love to celebrities' branding shawls made me asked her if she wanted to take a visit to dUCk Store at Pavillion. Maklum la ofis dia kan jauh sikit dari Pavillion so alang2 dah training dekat ngan pavi ni why not kan.. while myself plak, what i need is just a 'kaki' to go with me.. *evil grin*

haha! gitu lah how it started. Marya said yes, and off we go! cepat2 gi lunch kat food court.. i had korean noodle and maye' had laksa sarawak. Lepas tu terus ke lvl 6 to the dUCk store. on the way to dah nampak dah few ladies walked with the purple paper bag! hahahah terus kami bertambah teruja. omg! lol!

So its my first time ke duck store ni. Nice outlet i must say. The white walls and deco ala hispters hehhehe. a place u wud want to cam-whore!

Luckily masa kami dtg tu tak ramai orang.. dapat la pilih dengan tenang.. kat fitting rom pun bleh posing2 sambil tanya pendapat2 kawan2 kat whatsapp.. huhu.. tapi kaler yg ada on that day bit limited (but better limited la kan kalau tak makin pening nak pilih kot) and the latest limited edition KLdUCk left only black and white colors. I tested black (i above pic) and decided not to take it. black and white are not really my color..

pic atas ni berbackgroundkan KLdUCk design..

Sesi selfie to see if color looks ok on us.. i love this color... marya donning the matte satin and myself the silk satin. love them both! 

Settled kat dUCk, kiterang ngopi  sat ... Actually nk mkn ice cream kat Snowflakes tapi tak jumpa lak Snowflakes hahahahha so last2 had coffee, scone and mango cheese cake kat Coffee Bean..

And below the mine. Charcoal Bun Duck ... definitely not the last one hihi..


  1. bes tuhhhh posing2 dalam duck store! i is jelly!!! lighting cantek gituh.

    definitely not the last one lahhh kan because another one is on it's way already! hahahaha

    1. btw chantek laaa kaler chakoban tuh!


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