Tuesday, 28 February 2012

a trophy to add into collections

remember my entry titled 'sajak pagi selasa' that i wrote on the way to send my kids to their daycare?

little did i know the poem was meant for inter-class competition...

so this evening when me and hubby fetched the kids at the daycare, Lydia excitedly (loudly) told me,

"mak, Lydia dapat piala!.."
"nombor satu sajak yang hari tu"

and when i saw the trophy, it written there, 'sempena sambutan maulidurrasul'..

i laughed. i didnt know it was for maulidurrasul, and i simply wrote poem titled 'cita2ku' hehehe...

whatever it is, am happy for her.. mak mana la x syok anak accomplish something kan? :)

and then lydia told me,

"mak, bulan depan lydia kena masuk pertandingan bersyair"

i was like... *gulp*. ok. this is new.

ok. maybe nxt entry on this. on why the *gulp* ... hehehe..

Monday, 27 February 2012

like mak, like bapak ;)

me and hubby were lying on bed, with Fahren in between us. Fahren pointed to my belly and said,

"dalam mak ada baby" i smiled.

and he pointed at hubby's tummy and said,

"dalam bapak pun ada baby kan?"

hehe! what an observation!!! husband smiled .. and i laughed. out loud!!!

love u both! men!!! :)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

sajak pagi selasa

Malam tadi, sebelum tidur, Lydia tiba-tiba bagitau yang cikgu mintak dia baca sajak.. dan cikgu mintak supaya parents tolong buat sajak...

sbb dh malam and mata aku dh ngantuk sgt, aku kata dalam hati yang esok pagi2 aku google je lah sajak tu...

tapi pagi2 ni, dlm rushing sana sini, aku terlupa.. aku teringat masa nak naik kereta. so dan dan tu jugak aku amik pen dan kertas.. masuk dlm kereta.. on the way pegi taska utk hantar anak2, aku pun tulis lah sajak pendek yg mana terlintas.. itu je yg termampu dlm masa 15 mins nk ke taska tu :p

aku try ingat balik, lebih kurang mcm ni la tadi sajak yg sempat aku fikirkan tadi.. tajuk dia cita-cita.. haha.. simple2 gitu.. nasib baik anak baru darjah 2.. lol! kalau aku google sure sajak gempak2 yg kuar kan!? hmmm x pe lah.. jom layan..

hari ni,
ke sekolah aku melangkah..
pesanan ibu dan bapak,
kugalas dibahu..
segunung ilmu, itulah harapan
dan cita-citaku..

di rumah,
ibu bapa pembakar semangatku!
di sekolah,
guru-guru pemberi ilhamku!
marilah bersama-samaku!
kita berlumba!
mengejar ilmu!
agar tercapai segala cita-cita,
yg tak jemu kita tuju!

cita-cita dan ilmu,seiring berpadu!!


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Idlan, today you are four..

Idlan, today you are four ..
your happiness, health and succes are what i've always pray for ..!!
with you around is never a bore...
how can i not say you are a son we adore!! ..
everyday we love you more and more!!


-by yours truly,
mak. 8 feb 2012.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Its Yogurt Time!

this is backdated entry. Soul bought online vouchers for 9Berries yogurt. The location is KLCity Walk. I know KLCity Walk as its just behind my office building. from the outside, the walk looks dull.. i've never want to see whats inside because looking at the 1st shop which selling pickles has make me not interested.

But since Sol nak belanja kan, so why not? tapi its just 3 of us that were available so me, Sol and Shara je lah yang ke sana.. walking through all the shops, i actually think the Walk is a nice place to hang out with many cafes.. but unfortunately not many know that place i guess.. at 8PM it seems quiet je... tak ramai orang ..

we managed to enter 9Berries like 20 minutes before they closed their business. Good thing was the person at the counter (i assumed the owners, korean couple) were friendly and greet us well.. so at least we didnt feel the rushing.

we had 4 different flavors of the yogurts.. not bad .. i enjoyed them all.. i think nowadays yogurt taste more like ice cream, no? tutti frutti or 9berries, i think both are good..

we didnt stay longer as it was already 8++ and we need to rush back.. Sol was so worried as she parked her car kat tepi jalan je... ekekke.. nasib baik tak ada apa2 jadi..

So thanks Sol for the treat! and 9Berries, hope to go there again in future.. or maybe some other cafes in KLCity Walk..

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

ouchh! my beloved car! sob sob!

Pics taken few hours after the accident happened on early morning of 23rd January 2012. The car is still in workshop under repair. had to claim on insurance. someone asked me, why dont claim from 3rd party insurance? huhu how can I? the third party was a dog! and even if it has an insurance, it was dead on the spot ... RIP black dog.. I hope this will be the first and the last!

broken rear window trying to escape from the car, as we were trapped inside

Friday, 3 February 2012

Bicara Jumaat

Februari dah kan? cepat betul tahun 2012 ni bergerak... nampaknya macam tahun 2012 ni membara sikit... ekekek .. maklum la tahun naga kan? membara tu maksud aku, banyak lah turun naiknya... which is good .. Apalah hidup tanpa sebarang liku kan? :-) semoga dgn liku2 itu le aku dan keluarga dapat membina kehidupan yg lebih sakinah. ha, betul ke camtu cara guna word sakinah tu? aku nak maksudkan, dalam apa jua pun, kita mesti nk improve kan? apa lagi yg lebih penting selain keluarga kan? so, kalau keluarga dah sakinah, inshaallah yang lain akan sakinah jugak. (hmmm apakah ini petanda kalau aku dapat anak gegirl, aku nk namakan dia sakinah?) :-) tak lah.. gegirl ke, boboy ke.. aku nak bayi yang dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang sakinah, atau yg menuju sakinah.... inshaallah...

pengaliran kewangan mmg akan menjadi sesuatu yg paling utama dalam tahun ni aku rasa. byk perkara2 yg kami decide awal tahun ni, akan memerlukan pengorbanan dalam bentuk aliran wang... nak nak pulak dengan bilangan anak yang bakal bertambah.. Alhamdulillah.. bukan ke dengan adanya aliran wang keluar, akan ada aliran wang masuk? aku percaya rezeki utk kami ada.. susah atau senang nak mendapatkan rezeki tu je lah yang kami kena hadapi.. mudah mudahan semua urusan dipermudahkan...

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