Whenever we hv time, we'll set time to meet and catch for new gossips. This time we had good lunch at Manhattan Fish Market Ampang Park. lunch was on Ellyn for her new job. Thanks Ellyn.. then i realized i dont hv many things to be updated :-) so jadik pendengar setia jek..
unfortunately Mus didnt hv much time to stay long and Mauze couldnt came early either, so Mus left few mins after Mauze arrived.. 3 of us stayed for about another half on ahour before made our move. thanks mauze for the detour to my offc in dayabumi...and i hope she can update her blog as i constantly remind her to (and as she constantly ignored)..
hmm seems like i dont hv update here in my blog as well. well i've been bz with new job my self. ok Not really new as it has been almost 5 months since i moved here. How time flies... Things are fine so far.. i can say i hv adjusted to the new place (which basically not much different from the previous one). I am still not making many new friends, and to be frank, am fine with that. i am not into making new friends anymore.. i mean i know i will get new friends along the way, but they normally happened because of work. in my age now i think making new friends is not the main agenda (but of course still grateful am still getting new friends..).. as new friends become less, current existing (i can't say old friends, can i?) friends are my treasure. They are very importsnt and you know who you are :-)
New job is good. Even though Hectic most of the time, still got free time amid the busy schedule (like, NOW). And i am content. The flexibility is what i like most. That is whhat i alwasy want and here i got it. Syukran Allah.I like this job which i think is a good sign. I like the job, and when I do, am not doing it just for the sake of doing so. kan? Ok thats about my job. I dont really like to explain further about what am doing here .. my jobscope is my business, and the only place i want to detail them out is in my appraisal form for my KPI hehehe!
Btw, on different note: whenever i said Alhamdulillah, or Syukran Allah, or any other sentences to show how grateful i am for the things He gave me, i actually feel guilty. Yes i do. I feel like i said it, but i didnt show it. I want to say it, but I dont want people who read this think that i waht to show that am a good person (what ppl think sometimes matters to me huhu) .. tidak, as much as i want to be a good servant to Him, actually my iman ni senipis kulit bawang yang paling nipis .. and i find it is very easy for me to get distracted .. hmm ok apa aku melalut ni? ok forget it.. Everyday im hoping for improvement even its very very hard ...insya Allah ....
Ok, So until later yeah!
insya-Allah....kita kena kuatkan semangat utk menghadapi hari ini, esok dan akan datang. Byk pengalaman yg bole mengajar kita...
ReplyDeleteAiikkk .. apsal gambo mata tutup tu kat atas sekali. HEhe .. anyway, it is really a nice lunch. Thanks elin and ols. Sorry for not staying much longer. Next time k..